Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quick Hits: Justice League of America #1 (DC)

Several thousand covers later...DC showed considerable restraint in waiting for a spin-off of Justice League.  Twenty years ago this would not have been the case.  Fittingly the second series has the same writer as the first.  The brilliance as I'll call it continues in the way Geoff Johns approaches the membership of the new team.  Each one is painstakingly introduced in this issue, what makes them interesting, even intriguing.  The only curious thing is that Vibe and Katana not only already have spin-offs of their own but that they launched the same day this was released.  Both prove in this issue that they're more interesting than whatever reputation they previously had might suggest, and I do mean both.  Vibe is the more curious one, of course, sort of the Booster Gold without even the shred of dignity he's had, someone who is basically a blank slate.


  1. I think it was Facebook where someone commented the only reason for Vibe to get a solo title is they must be desperate to keep 52 titles...for whatever reason. I have no idea why they're fixated on that number.

    1. It's to keep the ambition of the New 52 alive. Plus 52 became a significant number for the company following the weekly series called...52.

    2. From a purely business standpoint it'd make more sense to cull some of the chaff here and shrink it down to the New 35 or something rather than wasting money creating weak titles to fill some silly quota.

    3. Apparently they're considering thinning the crop down to about forty, with a handful of weekly series keeping the overall monthly 52 count.


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