Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dead Run (1Ton Comics)

Dead Run started life as a screenplay that reached the quarterfinals of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences's Nicholl Fellowship competition.  Dale Taylor conceived of the story as a comedy, but in this graphic novel it has become a kind of direct-to-video urban drama.  Zombie aficionados and horror film fans will probably enjoy it a great deal, especially in how it solves that pesky issue of reconciling slow- and fast-moving zombies.

The story becomes a little like Stephen King's The Stand as it follows three survivors of a dirty bomb attack that leads to the undead plague.

Taylor's grasp of the comic book format, or at least 1Ton Comics' execution, produces interesting results, which the digital art mitigates by creating a potent atmosphere.  The art is Dead Run's main draw.

Not exactly an experience comparable to the grim realism of the TV or comic book Walking Dead, but a fine alternative, finding a little more humor and social commentary.

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