Monday, March 9, 2015

Digitally Speaking...32 "Deadhorse"

via Amazon
Deadhorse Vol. 1: Dead Birds (Frankenstein's Daughter)
From 2013.

Honestly, I have no idea what to make of this.  I couldn't really follow the story at all.  It seems to have spontaneously written itself, following an internal logic that leaves the reader behind.  Part of a bundle I got at comiXology, Deadhorse follows a whole trend of somewhat similar comic book storytelling, but is not a particularly good example of it.  But the art is pretty good, even if I personally would imagine it in a slightly more...subdued?...context.

The title refers to Deadhorse, Alaska, but that's about as much as is really relevant, even the concept of the dead birds in the volume's subtitle.  It's like a Jeff Lemire comic done horribly wrong.  

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