Monday, March 9, 2015

Digitally Speaking...44 "Dust: Withered Earth"

via Goodreads
Dust: Withered Earth
From 2013.

There's really not much to say about this other than how crude it is.  Crude art.  Crude writing.  Crude storytelling.  Even the use of digital lettering is crude as used in conjunction with the crude art.  It's hard to imagine that anyone thought this was a project in its current state that was worth completing much less releasing.  But people tend to do that a lot.  (Hey, it is easier that way, right?  Sometimes you can forgive creators.  Sometimes you absolutely can't.)  Above and beyond all that, it's a Western, so it should be crude, right?  But crude in Westerns is Deadwood.  This is just inexcusable.  And the worst thing about it is the cover.  Don't judge a book by its cover, right?  That cover looks far too refined for what's to be found within.  But a lot of creators do that, too, right?  

Basically, run far, far away.

1 comment:

  1. I read a few pages and quit because it looked like something Napoleon Dynamite would draw.


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